Grandma's Giving Garden

The idea for this project developed during the harvest season of 2017, when I noticed there was a significant amount of vegetables left for waste in the local community garden. Being an old farm girl I couldn't let these vegetables go to waste so I filled my trailer full and headed to the Grand Forks Mission to donate the vegetables. While talking to some of the staff I became aware of the extreme need for food donations for these types of local agencies. So in the summer of 2018 I set out to do what I could to support the children and families in need of fresh produce in my community. Last summer with the help of several Volunteers, All Season's Community Garden and my own resources I planted my garden all total in size it was over 4,000 sq ft. I had little resources but so much ambition and support from my community that the Garden was able to produce 3,727 lbs of organic vegetables to the local Salvation Army cupboard. This year my goal is to donate 6,000 lbs of vegetables to the greater Grand Forks food cupboards. With the help from organizations such as The Awesome Foundation and my local community my goal of providing 6,000 lbs of fresh produce to children and families in need is more obtainable.