Yarnbombing a Bus

May’s Awesome grant goes to Lisa (Justy) Dennis for her proposed project Bus Yarnbombing! Justy is an artist who works alongside her mother to crochet a vast array of amigurami and other yarn projects. After they starting work together they opened an Etsy store and have been in many arts and craft shows in Ottawa over the past three years. Her proposed idea is to yarnbomb a bus in the parking lot of the SuzyQ donut shop in Hintonburg. She hopes this project will warm up the hearts of bus drivers all over the city and show that Ottawa is a “cozy” place to live. As testament to her proclivity to capturing the essence of things with yarn, behold the ginormous pile of cute things she has made!
She will use the funds for wool supplies, velcro and crochet hooks and the renting of a bus for a day if she can’t get one donated. Just so everyone can get a good idea of what it might look like, here’s a bus yarnbombed in Cincinnati.
If you would like to be involved in the project as a volunteer crocheter or have a spare bus drop us a line!