Hammock #Communitree

I want to create an eye-catching, sturdy, and multi-layered, hammock tree. A place where our community can hang up their hammocks and be surrounded by friends, family, and/or strangers!
The #Communitree is made up of a series of poles/posts/boards that allow users to hangout in many different directions and heights.
My favorite part, you ask? The center pole, which holds it all together, is a Peace Pole (which symbolizes the oneness of humanity and our common hope for a world at peace). This important detail emphasizes the true meaning and vision of the #Communitree; To live (or hammock) among those that are different from you and to embrace diversity in your daily tasks.
AND, in addition to the #Communitree attracting different demographics of people into one location, it also adds another free, wholesome, and fun adventure into our town!