Այս մասնաճյուղն ակտիվ չէ: Ոչ ակտիվ մասնաճյուղն այն է, որը դրամաշնորհ չի հատկացրել 6 ամիս շարունակ: Եթե Դուք հետաքրքրված եք վերագործարկել այս մասնաճյուղը, խնդրում ենք դիմել մեզ։
DIYbio Wetware
ըստ Keoni Gandall July 2014
Tech in the World
ըստ Brandon Liu December 2012
Մեր մասին
The Awesome Knowledge Chapter gives $500-$1,000 micro-grants to projects that bridge the gap between research & real life – that enthuse and inform about science or nature. This can be in any discipline, from history to biology to quantum mechanics. Projects can include science communication, research translation, prototyping and implementation, and digital design and publication.
Our one constraint: supported work should be sharable online under a free license, or otherwise open to your entire community. If organizing a local event or science project, or building a local lab space, please describe how you will share this with the world, so that others can replicate it or learn from it!
We do not give grants to subsidize commercial works, personal education of the grantee, or travel to conferences. Ditto for individual classroom projects, small-group mentoring, or one-time events -- unless the process also produces awesome records that can be shared. :)