Visiting Artists Program for Howard Elementary

I am a School Social Worker at 2 different high-need Oakland Elementary schools (Howard Elementary, Allendale Elementary). As a part of my job, I facilitate skill development groups for 6-8 students at a time, focusing on skill building in areas of self esteem, social skills, and trauma-informed relationship building. As a part of this, I have started hosting "visiting artist" with Oakland-based artists who visit our groups and facilitate a small project. This has been successful in providing students with a creative outlet, as well as proving them with different role models in their community. The expenses for supplies for the projects has come out of my own paycheck, and I have been unable to provide artists with a stipend. With this grant, I will able to adequately fund the project and continue it through the end of the school year.

The lessons include book-making, printmaking, and photography.

Грант предоставил Oakland, CA (February 2018)