Bug Pit Collaborative Arts Summer Play Festival

Bug Pit Collaborative Arts is a new Ypsilanti-based group that seeks to create an environment to empower and platform local artists of all mediums. The Debut Summer Play Festival is our first project ever and we are so excited!

For the Festival, we have collected 6 scripts from local playwrights and brought together a team of local stage managers and directors. Our goal is to create a low-cost, low barrier to entry space for these artists to create a show! Often in this industry, local or community theatre can off-put the cost burden on the artistic team of actors and directors who are working for free, and we are trying to create a space where that is not the expectation.

We have already put down a security deposit for Riverside Arts Center, and we will be renting the space from August 1st through 7th, with performances on the 4th through 7th.

Financé par Ann Arbor, MI (July 2022)