Blossoming Butterfly Inc.

Blossoming Butterfly, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit that was founded by an awesome cancer survivor named Nicole Johnson, a stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (Triple Negative) cancer survivor. Diagnosed at age 32, Nicole struggled to find people who could relate and support her, both emotionally and financially, through her battle with cancer and then with her extended treatment. But once she found a small group of women who shared their experience of survival with her, she felt uplifted and hopeful about having a future again. More so, Nicole wanted to return the blessing and create spaces for encouragement and support for men and women traveling down the same uncertain path that she once did.

Founded in October of 2017, Blossoming Butterfly (BB) was born with a mission to provide spiritual mental, physical, educational, and financial support to cancer patients through nutrition, meditation, self-care, and monetary assistance for the Gainesville cancer community. BB tackles the sweeping issue of both a shortage of financial assistance to cancer patients and the difficulty to access available funds due to strenuous eligibility processes.

Most of our successes and growth have been gained through grass-roots efforts by our founder and a small group of volunteers who have used word-of-mouth to grow awareness about the organization and its cause throughout the Alachua County community.

In just a few short years, BB has developed several core programs and services such as:

-Breast Therapy (a nontraditional support group for women)
-Financial assistance with rent and utilities
-Group meditation and yoga sessions
-Funding makeovers for clients after cancer treatment
-Breastology (educational tours for youth groups and schools)

By providing access to multiple channels of support as well as offering direct services under one umbrella, Blossoming Butterfly helps to simplify the complicated and stressful world that often accompanies a diagnosis of cancer.

Fondos becados por Gainesville, FL (October 2020)