Day Of Play For Children With Special Needs

Parents United In Love will be hosting a picnic on August 31, 2019.

We are planning a Special Day of Play that is specifically geared for children with Special Needs.

We will have several stations spread out throughout the site to offer several options and avoid long lines. We will have a sensory station in which they can create their own sensory bottles, slime, play with water beads and create their own sensory rescue kits.

We will have larger than normal games such as Monopoly, bowling and Legos to allow the children with small motor skills to grasp the toy and play as well. There will be an artist on site to provide step by step (and hand over hand, if needed) instructions to create their own masterpiece on their posters.

We are inviting special needs children but it is open to the whole community in an effort to promote inclusion. We will have community resources such as Healthy Kids, Be a Healthy Hero, Knasty Knuckles Boxing Gym and Rec on the Move. They all promote nutritional, physical and over-all well being. Special Olympics will also be on site to inform the community about the services they provide as well as recruit children for various sports teams.

Best of all, this awesome project will be completely FREE!.

Fondos becados por Rochester, NY (July 2019)