United States Ann Arbor, MI Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Buffalo, NY Cass Clay Chicago, IL Cleveland, OH Connecticut Driftless Region Durham, NC Gainesville, FL Georgetown, MA Gloucester, MA Ipswich, MA Key West, FL Los Angeles, CA Ludington, MI Miami, FL New York City, NY Newburgh, NY North Minneapolis, MN Oahu, HI Orlando, FL Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Poughkeepsie, NY Rhode Island Rockport, MA San Antonio, TX San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA Santa Cruz, CA Seattle, WA South Bend, IN St. Paul, MN State College, PA Washington, DC Watertown, SD Westminster, MD
Energy & Sanitation For Students In Surkhet, Nepal Awesome Without Borders (Non-active) Par Cara Valentino and Maggie Doyne June 2013
Creating the Future, Open Participatory Engagement Awesome Without Borders (Non-active) Par Creating The Future May 2013
Take a Seat & Make a Friend London, ON Edition London, ON (Non-active) Par Leanne Bonello, Courtney Cadeau and Jessica Tellier May 2013
Culinary Kids Urban Farm Sandy Rebuild (Non-active) Par Chef Malisa Rivera-Executive Director Culinary Kids May 2013
Gaia Milieu for "The Color Wheel" at HEREart NY Awesome Without Borders (Non-active) Par Crystal Wagner May 2013
The Ladies Laugh-In Hosts Blogologues! Awesome Without Borders (Non-active) Par CC Davies Robinson May 2013
Performing Possibilities: Life after Prison Austin, TX Par Katherine Craft, Conspire Theatre April 2013