Jam Buckets. Hosted by Mission Science Workshop.
Getaboard Skateboarding Outreach Program

Makerspace - Sigler Elementary

בית ספר חופשי מצפה רמון- קהילה משתפת ידע

כדורגל לחסרי בית

Helping children reach their potential!

Awesome Fivers

Fun Weird Science: S.T.E.M skills for at-risk kids



Before I die wall

FEMMES: Females Excelling More in (STEM)

The Melbourne Hidden Gift

Kids Play Space

Comic Book Club

Functional Education to Learning Disabled Children

Geek Girl Mini - Kvarnbychix

veterans R awesome

Mobile Cinema

Благотворительный магазин Charity Shop

Snack Smart

טיפוח ושימור אוכלוסיות של דו-חיים שבסכנת הכחדה

Child of this Culture Workshops

Ottawa City Woodshop


Bridge from School to Workplace

Pittsburgh's Smallest Jazz Club

Painting Boulder with Masking Tape

Every Child Deserves A Chance At Life
Back-To-Work Kit!

עלילות נחלאות

Guerilla Haiku with GirlZone
Happy Soul Project

The Dreary Coast

Spawn of The Gerrymander

Օդապարուկների օր /День воздушных змеев/ Kite day
Artists of Orlando

Bilingual books for kids, by kids

Garden Therapy Recovering Homeless Veterans

The “Growing With A Tree” Campaign




Urbanidades - Percepções afetivas na cidade

The New Orleans Youth Open Mic

Creating Butterflies

Global Citizenship Summit
Uber Street Organic Co-Op

Unmanned aerial systems for precision agriculture

Pizza in the Druitt
A simple method to revolutionize bus transit