United States Ann Arbor, MI Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Buffalo, NY Cass Clay Chicago, IL Cleveland, OH Connecticut Driftless Region Durham, NC Gainesville, FL Georgetown, MA Gloucester, MA Ipswich, MA Key West, FL Los Angeles, CA Ludington, MI Miami, FL New York City, NY Newburgh, NY North Minneapolis, MN Oahu, HI Orlando, FL Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Poughkeepsie, NY Rhode Island Rockport, MA San Antonio, TX San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA Santa Cruz, CA Seattle, WA South Bend, IN St. Paul, MN State College, PA Washington, DC Watertown, SD Westminster, MD
Brainsong: Music for Autism (awesome-ism) Boulder, CO (Non-active) Par Julie Hoffman Marshall April 2015
All Kidz Activities and Community Events Oklahoma City, OK (Non-active) Par LIbby Boyles - All Kidz April 2015
War Gastronomy - Recipes of Relocation San Francisco, CA Par Justin Charles Hoover (胡智騰) and Chris Treggiari April 2015
Outdoor Classroom & School Yard Greening Kitchener-Waterloo Par Jennifer Clarke (on behalf of Centennial Public School) April 2015
S.E.T. Hurt Park Greenspace Garden Atlanta, GA Par Amber Hughes (Sustainable Energy Tribe at Georgia State University) April 2015
Learning Commons: An Uncommon Learning Experience Plano, TX (Non-active) Par Jessica Malloy April 2015
Baltimore #popscope Baltimore, MD Par Alica Diehl, Liz Gomez, Michael Swirnow, Seth Franz, Viva Dadwal April 2015
Random Acts of Kindness/Pay it Forward San Antonio, TX Par CAPiSA-Caring About People in San Antonio--Teri Flores April 2015
Freehand Arts Project: Bringing the creative arts to those behind bars Austin, TX Par Kelsey Shipman, The Freehand Arts Project April 2015
Sex Education for Social Justice Awesome Without Borders (Non-active) Par Melina Gioconda Davis + Colectiva Justicia Sexual April 2015
Subsistence Research Center of Southern Illinois Awesome Without Borders (Non-active) Par Sarah Baumgarten April 2015