United States Ann Arbor, MI Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Buffalo, NY Cass Clay Chicago, IL Cleveland, OH Connecticut Driftless Region Durham, NC Gainesville, FL Georgetown, MA Gloucester, MA Ipswich, MA Key West, FL Los Angeles, CA Ludington, MI Miami, FL New York City, NY Newburgh, NY North Minneapolis, MN Oahu, HI Orlando, FL Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Poughkeepsie, NY Rhode Island Rockport, MA San Antonio, TX San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA Santa Cruz, CA Seattle, WA South Bend, IN St. Paul, MN State College, PA Washington, DC Watertown, SD Westminster, MD
Outdoor Adventures with Youth with Trauma Awesome Without Borders (Inactivo) Por Linnea Delucchi April 2023
Waterstromen: Hoe zit dat? (How does it work?) Rotterdam Por Maël Vanhelsuwé - Stichting Archiklas April 2023
Luna Composition Lab Fellowship Awesome Without Borders (Inactivo) Por Luna Composition Lab April 2023