United States Ann Arbor, MI Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Buffalo, NY Cass Clay Chicago, IL Cleveland, OH Connecticut Driftless Region Durham, NC Gainesville, FL Georgetown, MA Gloucester, MA Ipswich, MA Key West, FL Los Angeles, CA Ludington, MI Miami, FL New York City, NY Newburgh, NY North Minneapolis, MN Oahu, HI Orlando, FL Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Poughkeepsie, NY Rhode Island Rockport, MA San Antonio, TX San Francisco, CA San Jose, CA Santa Cruz, CA Seattle, WA South Bend, IN St. Paul, MN State College, PA Washington, DC Watertown, SD Westminster, MD
Magenta Giraffe Theatre Company comes home! Detroit, MI (Inactive) By Frannie Shepherd-Bates March 2014
Bringing "Most Good, Least Harm" to Honolulu! Oahu, HI By Terry Bear, Andrea Nandoskar, Linda Leveen, Victoria Anderson March 2014
Mothlight Microcinema Awesome Without Borders (Inactive) By Julia Yezbick and Benjamin Gaydos March 2014
SKAM mural rehab: Preserving a piece of history Austin, TX By Lindsay Palmer, Creative Action March 2014
EpiBone: living bones grown from stem cells Awesome Without Borders (Inactive) By Nina Tandon February 2014