Urban Fruit Trails/ Endless Orchard

MaD Science and Maker Space

The High-5-Mile club

Polaris (working title)

DivvyUp Socks

12% Happier Class

The 90-Second Newbery Film Festival

O Embaixador
Community Workshop: On The Move
Bee Safe! Bee Natural!

Start-Up Art Grant for Hassan Noor

Taylor Electric Retrospective

Design.District: Identity Lounge

Kingston 2 Kingston

Four Paws Two Hearts for Veterans

Light it up!

Shakespeare: REPRESENT

Buddy's Bench

Edible Optics and Hands On STEM

Gardening in Kindergarten

Junk to Funk Sewing Classes for ages 8-12

Townhouse Session Players: Food Bank CD Project

Hintonbeasts, the Guardians of the 'burg

Canine Care Kits

Childify the city

Fishing Academy for Kids from Low-income Families
Fiesta People's Mural
Wanna CEEMI?

A Paper-Recycling and Paper-Making Project

Urban Farmacy - Wellness Center

Write Away!
Deeper Thoughts

Signs of Acceptance

4Us Girls Club Self-Image Zine Project

1197 torbots
2016 Awesome Foundation Summit

Crazy Giant EYEBALL bike lights

Speaking Out Loud

jong en oud, Tilburg blijft goud

Keeping Hope Alive in Yemen

Family Wellness Day

Gender Amplified

We want a Dumpling Emoji/Emojination

Cozinha experimental Roots Ativa

Black Nirvana

Mobile Learning Dome/Planetarium

Techno Poetics

Raleigh Film Underground
99: promouvoir le documentaire en 6 langues

Pop-up Movie Screenings in Vacant Lots

Beyond The Wall